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1. What is Kybella and can it treat my double chin?
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is an injectable solution that is FDA-approved for treatment of excess fat under the chin.  It is derived from a molecule naturally found in our body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. It destroys and melts fat cells, effectively reducing submental fullness - or double chin - without the need for surgery or anesthesia.  It is a minimally invasive alternative to neckline and jawline contouring surgeries, such as liposuction and neck lift, and involves little-to-no downtime.



2. What results should I anticipate with Kybella® and when can I expect to see them? 
Treatment with Kybella reduces the fullness under the chin (double chin) and improves the overall contour of the neck and jawline. Your results will depend on the amount of excess fat you have under your chin. However, most patients begin seeing results 3 to 4 weeks following their treatment.  



3. What does the Kybella® treatment feel like? 

Kybella treatments are typically performed in the comfort and convenience of a physician’s office. During the treatment, Dr. Abboud uses a very fine needle to inject multiple locations under the chin, carefully targeting the areas of concern. You may experience the minor discomfort of a tiny pinch. Kybella treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is minimally invasive with little-to-no downtime. 



4. How many treatments will I need? 
After you and Dr. Abboud have determined that Kybella is a suitable option for you, he will tailor the treatment plan based on your chin profile.  While most patients experience noticeable results after 2 to 4 treatments spaced at least one month apart, some patients may require up to 6 treatments to achieve the desired results. 



5. Are there any side effects?
As with other injectable treatments, the most common side effects of Kybella include temporary swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness near the injection sites. Serious side effects, such as nerve injury, trouble swallowing, uneven smile, and facial muscle weakness can occur, albeit rarely. Thankfully, these side effects typically resolve on their own within a few days (and up to a few weeks). 



6. Are the results of Kybella permanent?
When injected into the fat under the chin, Kybella destroys the fat cells, permanently preventing them from storing or accumulating fat.  After achieving the result you desire, you may not need any further treatment.  



7. Will my skin deflate or sag after treatment? 
No. As Kybella destroys fat cells. it creates an inflammatory response.  This inflammation causes the treatment area under the chin to swell for a few days. While inconvenient, this response is actually beneficial as it induces formation of new collagen (neocollagenesis) and causes the skin in that area to tighten up, rendering a more youthful look. The degree of fat destruction and skin tightening varies and depends on the individual patient.  



Bonus: Can Kybella® be used to treat the sagging skin under my chin?
No. The key to skin tightening after Kybella treatment is the destruction of fat.  If the area under the chin is all sagging skin with little or no fat, then skin tightening will likely not occur. 




If you are considering Kybella for double chin treatment and would like to have an in-person consultation with Dr. Abboud, please contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more. 

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a medical consultation, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Each individual’s treatment and/or results will vary, and no guarantee is stated or implied by any photo or statement used on this website.

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